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Friday, June 7, 2019

Terror In The Midnight Sun (1959)

Starring Barbara Wilson, Sten Gester, Robert Burton, Bengt Blomgren, Ake Gronberg
Directed by Virgil W. Vogel
(actor & director credits courtesy

When a meteor lands in Sweden, a team of scientists is sent to investigate, but they discover it is actually a spacecraft that has carried a 20 foot alien creature to the Earth. 

All in all, this is a pretty decent science fiction drama from Sweden, that imported some American talent to pull it together, including writer Arthur C. Pierce, actors Barbara Wilson and Robert Burton, and director Virgil Vogel, who previously helmed The Mole People.  The special effects are serviceable if not impressive, and there's some nice scale work to make the film's furry monster look imposing.  However, despite its short running time, the picture is rather slow moving with a rather lengthy prologue setting up Wilson and Gester's romance before we even get to see the creature.  Nevertheless it's competently produced, with some eerie visuals, effective music, and has a unique flavor to it.

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